The plane wave equation:

An diagram of a plain wave is shown below:

The solution to Maxwell’s equations for a plane wave are:

E = E0 cos (φ)x   and

H = H0 cos (φ)y

where x and y are the unit vectors in their respective directions – not quite the correct notation but this is HTML.

We are not going to do the maths for this in any detail but if we substitute the above functions of E and H into Maxwell’s equations we can show that they work. E and H are orthogonal, as shown by the unit directional vectors, and also have a sinusoidal variation in amplitude. By convention the polarisation is defined by the direction of the E field. The wavelength is the distance traveled in one cycle of E and H.

We can derive some relationships from the plane wave solution that will be useful later. The field strength can be expressed as:

E = E0 cos (ωt + kz)x

H = H0 cos (ωt + kz)y

Where ω = 2πf (the angular frequency)

k = the wave number, the rate of change of phase with distance:

The wave number k is frequently found in EM theory, it describes the variation with distance along the propagation axis whereas ωt is the variation with time. The ratio of E to H is the impedance of free space (by Ohms law):