This calorimeter can be used todiscover the calorific value of a given fuel. A steady supply of gas is burned inside, and thisheats a steady supply of water. By measuring the temperature rise, the calorific value of the burning gas can be calculated.

This device was used to charge customers the calorific value of the gasthey had consumed. But in this century, Boy’s gas calorimeter is used to determine the
calorific value of gaseous fuel. It consists of a burner, a chimney and radiator couls. Aregulator is used in the gas supply line to damp down any pressure fluctuations which wouldaffect the result. The cooling water is supplied to the cooling coil from a tank located at thetop of the container. The steam formed due to the combustion of hyrdogen in the fuelcondenses around the cooling coul. The overflow of the condensate is taken outThe theory involved in this experiment is mainly the law of conservation of energy where,
Energy in = Energy out